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Dear Friend,

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes upon entering my freshman year of college in 2004. I spent the next several months adjusting to the new normal of managing the disease, and I knew immediately that I wanted to get involved with Breakthrough T1D (formerly JDRF). That summer, I did my first walk for a cure where I raised $800 (respectable!) and have since stayed involved whenever possible. Breakthrough T1D continues to be the number one source for funding and research aimed to understand, support and ultimately eradicate this disease. This year, I have the incredible honor of co-chairing the LA Gala, an event that makes this funding and research possible. Please follow the link below to help support in any way you might be able - purchase tickets and join us at the Gala or donate what you can to help us get closer to a cure.


To purchase your tickets, tables or sponsorships, please visit our website: LA One Night Gala - Southern California Chapter


To donate to Fund A Cure, please select an option below.

I would like to make a donation towards Fund A Cure, in honor of Jill Sipkins
